Monday, December 6, 2010

aPe YaNg PerLu SaYa LaKuKaN

You ask me how my day was as if it is same everyday
I say Im okay but you really dont know how I feel
Do you think i’ll be okay without you?
Are you okay without me?
The world without you is so hard that I blame myself for still breathing.

What should I do? Even now, I live each painful days because of your words
Tell me if this is a bad thing to do
Are you living each day painfully like I am?
You and me

Are we too late? Do we not have a chance?
I still think about you and you might know this
Finally is it this? Are we going to end like this? Is it okay with you?
I dont think I can do it. The love I find with you, I wont find it anywhere even if I die.

What should I do? If it isnt you no one else can hold my heart
Please hold me. And you know that even though the whole world tries to
No one can erase your memories. So please hold me

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pain, Tears, Cry, Laugh...everyday....

If I say that I’m in pain,
I’m scared that I’ll really be in pain..
If I say that I’m sad,
I’m scared that I will shed my tears…
Why don’t I just laugh, just laugh, just laugh……??
But people ask me why I’m crying….

Everyday I cry, I smile...
Cry then smile again….
What’s wrong with me..???
Why do I do this repeatedly..??
Can’t different between bottles of vinegar and mineral water…
So far in my life, I never felt pain this excruciating…
I write your name over and over on a piece of paper…
In a day, the paper becomes black and I finally let the pen go…
I long for you, I hold on to my cell phone and let it go…
My eyes are filling up with tears again..
This separation between us…

Let’s smile..
Like couples in dramas…
Let’s smile..
Like the title of your blog….
Let’s smile…
Happy like in past….

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

i love u all sooooooooooooo...much ma fwen..eva..!!


Cerita bermula ketika di zaman persekolahan...
di tingkatan satu mule kenal dgn seorang dak pompan nih...
nk tau knl sbb pew..??sbb..t'slh tegor org...huahahahahaha..
pas tuh wt muke xmalu..hahahaha
pe lagi cover lah...
sebbek time tuh ktorg same2 lambat msk dewan tuk perhimpunan..
nak cover punye cer...aku pon ajk la de msk skali coz tkt kne denda..huahahahahahahaha
de kelas len..aku klas time form 2 ktorg klas same..
start dr tuh mule kawan dengan diew...sampai ke form 5 kelas same...
heee...sampe lah sahabat yg rapat nan aku..

mieza,aku,baqek,tika..yg baju hijau tulah dak pompan yg aku knl time form 1 tuh..heeee...time nih majlis kawin abg de...

aku dh ase die cm kakak aku dh..(sbb de tggi jew..)heee...(bole manjew2..)haaaaaaa....
aku pernah gadoh teruk nan die..sbbkan sorg mamat xgune nih..lame gak lah....
tp mgkin tuh silap aku ktorg dh bek balik dh..thanks la kt mbe2 aku yg len..
coz korg tlg pulihkan lek hubungan ktorg...MAAP YE SSHKAN KORG...haha..


time form 1 aku xknl die langsung..ape yg aku tgk dak ni cm pendiam..
tp bila start kenal die(ZACK) time form 2..haila..banyak ckap..heee...
de nih ala2 rock cket...tomboy pon da..
de xske ala2 ayu time form 2 tuh knl2 cm tuh jela..
nek form 3 klas same xjadi geng aku g..geng 'RATU' konon..(sume bee pny kije bg name tuh)
de banyak wt hal de nek form 4 & 5.....haaa...
pe lagi..dh dpt geng satu kepala..hancur klas tuh dbuatnyew...
aku pon salah sorg dari dak2 yg degil tu lah..hahahaahahah...
tp de nih wt mbe syok..gile2 lah..
open habih...heeee...besh kawan nan ko zack...

zack and aku....pic yg sempoiiii daaaa....
 BAQEK plak..xknl pon...start form 3 bwu satu ngan geng2 de jew..xcmpur aku...
aku,,nunnnnnnn..kat belakang tuh...wt hal sendiri jek...
bile dh form 4&5 tuh satu kelas..terbongkar lah satu rahsie...
pengakuannye sendiri kat aku..time tuh ktorg bdue je kt bilik seni...
de xsuke pon kt aku..
coz de dga cite2 dari kwn2 de yg aku nih dok rampas pakwe mbe de...haish..!!!..
tp aku xksh sume tuh..dh banyk ckp cmtuh..but i still mbe nan dorg gak..
de igt aku nih pompan yg jht lah...tapi de kate bile de dh knl aku time form 4 tuh...
baru de tau yg aku nih snanye x seperti yg mbe2 de ckpkn...
sampai de minta maap sungguh dari aku ritu..dsbbkan hal tuh..
tp aku ckp nan de aku xamek ati pon..n aku  tak slhkan die pon..sbb de xbersalah dlm hal nih... pon xkenal rapat nan aku time tuh..soooo...aku phm la...

aku and baqek...suke pic nih...

and till now..ktorg still mbe yg gile2..heee.....

sal mbe aku yg len t aku sambung ehk??heeeeee....